Power Factor Controller Gruppo

ชุดควบคุม เพาวเวอร์ แฟคเตอร์ ( Power Factor Controller/PFC ) Gruppo
Power Controllers ERD – ERDS series are fully automatic, starting
can be done manually by parameters settings before connecting
or in automatic mode without any preliminary confguration using
a standard connection.
The simplicity and intuitiveness of this reliable equipment are its

The power controllers ERP-ERGP series are fully automatic.
This smart equipment can be easily connected: all you have
to do is to set the parameters and everything else works
The new design, the expandable power steps and the various
additional modules that enhance the performance make the
Erp – Ergp controllers very attractive

Power Controllers ERN series are fully automatic, this equipment
does not need any preliminary confguration using a standard
Smart operating algorithm ensures the durability and correct
function of power factor correction equipment in order to
improwe the power factor.